Digital Storefronts Gives Back

Digital Storefronts Gives Back

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In the big, exciting world of digital marketing, a place usually all about winning and success, my company, Digital Storefronts, stands out like a happy, shining star. I’m Cory Long, and I started this business not just to make money but to help people, especially those working in ministries. It’s my way of putting the beautiful idea from the Bible, “Let all that you do be done in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14), into action.

How It All Began

This whole adventure started because I wanted to help church leaders and missionaries work without worrying about money all the time. I teamed up with some top-notch experts and my own business, Yroc Consulting, to set up a special training program. But here’s the twist: it’s not just any course. It’s all about teaching skills while spreading kindness and a helping hand in our digital world.

The Joyful Stories Behind DSF

Let me tell you, the best part of Digital Storefronts is the wonderful stories of people we’ve helped. Like this one time, someone we trained worked with a church’s youth group, and they ended up getting a new van! It was great – they could all go to summer camp and have a safe ride during the tough Covid times.

And then there was this other amazing story with Arrow Child and Family Services. They help kids who’ve had a really tough time. With our help, they got financial support and even some of our team members became foster parents. We got to give these kids new, loving homes. It’s moments like these that really make everything worth it.

Training with Heart

The training I offer at Digital Storefronts isn’t just about learning to sell stuff online. It’s about showing love through generosity. We dive into things like finding leads, running Facebook Ads, and sending out good emails. But what I really want is for everyone to learn how to use their skills to help others. It’s all about sharing and caring.

Spreading the Love

Our giving spirit goes beyond just our local community. We have this cool part of our business called Digital Storefronts Gives Back where we help lots of different charities and church groups. We help everyone from ‘Wear Gloves’ to ‘New Hope Animal Rescue’. It’s about using what we’ve earned to bring a bit of happiness and support to as many places as we can.

Dreaming Bigger

Now, we’re working on this new version of our program, DSF 2.0. The plan is to make our training even better and reach more people. I want to help even more charities and spread the joy of giving further and wider. It’s not just about getting bigger; it’s about bringing more love into the world.

Join Our Journey

I’m inviting anyone who’s got a dream to succeed and a heart for helping others. You don’t have to be a church leader or a missionary. If you want to make a difference and learn some cool skills, you’re in the right place.

Staying True to Our Roots

I always say, “We put our money where our mouth is.” If God gives us a lot, we should use it to do good things. And that’s exactly what we do at Digital Storefronts. We’re not just talking; we’re making real changes, helping people, and making communities stronger and happier.

In a world looking for something real and meaningful, Digital Storefronts is proof that when you mix business smarts with a heart full of kindness, amazing things can happen. We’re not just teaching marketing; we’re spreading love and making sure everything we do is done with a whole lot of heart.


  1. I joined Digital Storefronts in 2022 and struggled to dedicate myself and focus. It was actually seeing what others in the group had been doing in their ministry – due to their success in DSF – that encouraged me to buckle down. I heard about Brian’s work in Pakistan and Zach’s effort to include his wife and children (and many others) and later saw the partnership with Samaritan’s Purse and the countless churches that have received assistance.

    I’m still working to manage my digital properties and keep clients, and right now that extra income is going toward paying bills. But I know God has great things in store for me, and I can’t wait to share them!

  2. What vetting process does digital storefronts go through to determine what charities are worthy or are actually in need?

    1. That’s a good question! We don’t take the task lightly, and make sure to do our due diligence – however we don’t have a particular set of rules a non-profit must meet. We just look for who is in need. Often times this comes from within our own network of thousands of ministry leaders, pastors, and missionaries. But we, and Yroc Consulting, also serve our local communities as well and will help where there’s a need.

      There’s not a vetting process. When we see a need, we step in.